Basically it's not a good investment at this time, I predicted it would pop about 20-30% on its IPO yesterday on my Facebook page :
More bad news for Groupon stock, but I'm sure it will go way up 20-30% tomorrow when it debuts regardless of how horrible its balance sheet is... (Posted this November 3rd at 8:45pm)"
The IPO came out on friday and what do you know Groupon popped & closed up 30%!
Can't get a much closer prediction than that!
exactly what I said a few months back! Don't touch this stock after the ipo. I will be shorting it after the original pop. Don't get left holding the bag, use a professional advisor (Posted this October 29 at 9:52am)"
I would definitely stay away from this company until they are at least making a decent profit and get out of debt and also with a market cap of around 2-3 billion then I would take a serious look at putting my money into it.
Also if you know how to short stocks (not for the amateur) I would wait to see if we go make another run for $30 per share and double top up there and safe to hold a short sale up at that range, even now you could short if you are willing to hold onto a 5 dollar run up on it.